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1 -- As the scale and complexity of data-driven computational science grows, so grows the burden on the scientists and students in managing the data products used and generated dur...
Yiming Sun, Scott Jensen, Sangmi Lee Pallickara, B...
Avionics data at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) consists of distributed, unmanaged, and heterogeneous information tha...
Data futures in a metacomputing system refer to data products that have not yet been created but which can be uniquely named and manipulated. We employ data flow mechanisms expres...
Many Physics experiments today generate large volumes of data. That data is then processed in a variety of ways in order to achieve the understanding of fundamental physical pheno...
Ewa Deelman, Carl Kesselman, Gaurang Mehta, Leila ...
Data products generated from remotely-sensed, geospatial imagery (RSI) used in emerging areas, such as global climatology, environmental monitoring, land use, and disaster managem...
Abstract-- Scientific workflow management systems are increaingly providing the ability to manage and query the provenance of data products. However, the problem of differencing th...
Zhuowei Bao, Sarah Cohen Boulakia, Susan B. Davids...