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Many binary code encoding schemes based on hashing have been actively studied recently, since they can provide efficient similarity search, especially nearest neighbor search, an...
We describe an approach for synthesizing data representations for concurrent programs. Our compiler takes as input a program written using concurrent relations and synthesizes a r...
Peter Hawkins, Alex Aiken, Kathleen Fisher, Martin...
We propose a new type of database system coined OctopusDB. Our approach suggests a unified, one size fits all data processing architecture for OLTP, OLAP, streaming systems, and...
Several native approaches to storing large XML data sets exist. In all of these approaches the internal data representation is designed to support any ad-hoc XQuery query. In this...
This paper addresses the problem of semantic heterogeneity between data representations with particular emphasis on CAD tool data representations. The combination of powerful mapp...
Zahir Moosa, Nick Filer, Michael Brown, J. Heaton,...
This paper presents a new architecture of a database management system intended to be used together with existing graphics software. In the first place, a system with this archite...
On Line Analysis Processing (OLAP) is a technology basically created to provide users with tools in order to explore and navigate into data cubes. Unfortunately, in huge and spars...
Riadh Ben Messaoud, Omar Boussaid, Sabine Rabas&ea...
— Portable, modular and extensible software allows robotics researchers to pool their resources by sharing algorithms, thus advancing research in the field of robotics at a fast...
We introduce a logic programming framework for data type transformations based on isomorphisms between elementary data types (natural numbers, finite functions, sets and permutat...