Discovering the patterns in evolving data streams is a very important and challenging task. In many applications, it is useful to detect the dierent patterns evolving over time and...
On-line data stream mining has attracted much research interest, but systems that can be used as a workbench for online mining have not been researched, since they pose many dif...
Abstract. Novelty detection in data stream mining denotes the identification of new or unknown situations in a stream of data elements flowing continuously in at rapid rate. This...
Recent advances in hardware technology have resulted in the ability to collect and process large amounts of data. In many cases, the collection of the data is a continuous process ...
The recent advances in hardware and software have enabled the capture of different measurements of data in a wide range of fields. These measurements are generated continuously an...
Mohamed Medhat Gaber, Arkady B. Zaslavsky, Shonali...
Mining user access patterns from a continuous stream of Web-clicks presents new challenges over traditional Web usage mining in a large static Web-click database. Modeling user ac...