We consider the problem of storing an ordered dictionary data structure over a distributed set of nodes. In contrast to traditional sequential data structures, distributed data st...
d Abstract] Robert Krauthgamer James R. Lee We present a simple deterministic data structure for maintaining a set S of points in a general metric space, while supporting proximit...
In this paper, we give results relevant to sequential and distributed dynamic data structures for finding nearest neighbors in growth-restricted metrics. Our sequential data struc...
Kirsten Hildrum, John Kubiatowicz, Sean Ma, Satish...
In this paper we study the problem of designing concurrent searchable data structures with performance guarantees that can be used in a distributed environment where data elements...
We describe a machine model for automatically dynamizing static algorithms and apply it to historyindependent data structures. Static programs expressed in this model are dynamize...
Umut A. Acar, Guy E. Blelloch, Robert Harper, Jorg...
In this paper, we introduce the concept of hierarchy-based fault-local stabilization and a novel self-healing/fault-containment technique and apply them in Stalk. Stalk is an algo...
Murat Demirbas, Anish Arora, Tina Nolte, Nancy A. ...
The efficiency of frequent itemset mining algorithms is determined mainly by three factors: the way candidates are generated, the data structure that is used and the implementati...
The goal of this paper is to build a bridge from a certain intuitive conception of natural language communication, called the SLIM theory of language, to a technical approach, cal...
Over the years the amount and range of electronic text stored on the WWW has expanded rapidly, overwhelming both users and tools designed to index and search the information. It is...
We present a data structure, called a ray interpolant tree, or RI-tree, which stores a discrete set of directed lines in 3-space, each represented as a point in 4-space. Each dire...