We address a problem of updating XML documents having their XML schema described by a Document Type Definition (DTD) without breaking their validity. We present a way how to expre...
The Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) is a compression method which reorders an input string into the form, which is preferable to another compression. Usually Move-To-Front transfor...
Abstract. Syllable based text compression is a new approach to compression by symbols. In this concept syllables are used as the compression symbols instead of the more common char...
The task of similarity search in image databases has been studied for decades, while there have been many feature extraction techniques proposed. Among the mass of low-level techni...
When searching databases of nucleotide or protein sequences, finding a local alignment of two sequences is one of the main tasks. Since the sizes of available databases grow const...
Abstract. Several actions are usually performed when document is appended to textual database in information retrieval system. The most frequent actions are compression of the docu...