The multiple description coding of an independent and identically distributed Gaussian source over bit error channels is considered. A novel practical multiple description coding ...
Inspired by syndrome source coding using linear error-correcting codes, we explore a new form of measurement matrix for compressed sensing. The proposed matrix is constructed in t...
In this work we describe a sequence compression method based on combining a Bayesian nonparametric sequence model with entropy encoding. The model, a hierarchy of Pitman-Yor proce...
It is known that modeling an information source via a symbolic dynamical system evolving over the unit interval, leads to a natural lossless compression scheme attaining the entro...
—We consider Slepian-Wolf coding of multiple sources and extend the packing bound and the notion of perfect code from conventional channel coding to SW coding with more than two ...
Block-based random image sampling is coupled with a projectiondriven compressed-sensing recovery that encourages sparsity in the domain of directional transforms simultaneously wi...
We introduce an alternative Lempel-Ziv text parsing, LZ-End, that converges to the entropy and in practice gets very close to LZ77. LZ-End forces sources to finish at the end of ...
In lifting-based directional wavelet transforms, different subsampling patterns may show significant difference for directional signals in image coding. This paper investigates t...