In this paper we shall represent strategic planning problems by dynamic decision trees, in which the nodes are projects that can be deferred or postponed for a certain period of t...
Abstract. Branch predictors are associated with critical design issues for nowadays instruction greedy processors. We study two important domains where the optimization of decision...
Patrick Carribault, Christophe Lemuet, Jean-Thomas...
This paper 3 proposes a new method to qualify the result given by a decision tree when it is used as a decision aid system. When the data are numerical, we compute the distance of ...
This paper addresses the problem of the explanation of the result given by a decision tree, when it is used to predict the class of new cases. In order to evaluate this result, the...
This paper conducts experiments with three skewed data sets, seeking to demonstrate problems when skewed data is used, and identifying counter problems when data is balanced. The b...
We study cost-sensitive learning of decision trees that incorporate both test costs and misclassification costs. In particular, we first propose a lazy decision tree learning that ...
Probability trees (or Probability Estimation Trees, PET’s) are decision trees with probability distributions in the leaves. Several alternative approaches for learning probabilit...
Daan Fierens, Jan Ramon, Hendrik Blockeel, Maurice...
Abstract. Behavioral sequences of the medaka (Oryzias latipes) were continuously investigated through an automatic image recognition system in response to medaka treated with the i...
Sengtai Lee, Jeehoon Kim, Jae-Yeon Baek, Man-Wi Ha...
This paper discusses the use of a combination of support vector machine and decision tree learning for recognizing four emotions in speech, which are Neutral, Angry, Lombard, and ...
Thao Nguyen, Mingkun Li, Iris Bass, Ishwar K. Seth...
There has been increasing number of independently proposed randomization methods in different stages of decision tree construction to build multiple trees. Randomized decision tre...
Wei Fan, Ed Greengrass, Joe McCloskey, Philip S. Y...