Dynamic Binary Translators (DBT) and Dynamic Binary Optimization (DBO) by software are used widely for several reasons including performance, design simplification and virtualiza...
Demos Pavlou, Enric Gibert, Fernando Latorre, Anto...
The virtues of deterministic parallelism have been argued for decades and many forms of deterministic parallelism have been described and analyzed. Here we are concerned with one ...
Guy E. Blelloch, Jeremy T. Fineman, Phillip B. Gib...
Software product lines are families of products defined by feature commonality and variability, with a well-managed asset base. Recent work in testing of software product lines ha...
For more than thirty years, the parallel programming community has used the dependence graph as the main abstraction for reasoning about and exploiting parallelism in “regular...
Keshav Pingali, Donald Nguyen, Milind Kulkarni, Ma...
The enforcement of semantic integrity constraints in data and knowledge bases constitutea a major performance bottleneck. Integrity constraint simplification methods aim at reduci...
Program slicing is a fundamental operation for many software engineering tools. Currently, the most efficient algorithm for interprocedural slicing is one that uses a program repr...
Thomas W. Reps, Susan Horwitz, Shmuel Sagiv, Genev...
A dependence model for reverse engineering should treat procedures in a modular fashion and should be fine-grained, distinguishing dependences that are due to different variables....
We define the Value State Dependence Graph (VSDG). The VSDG is a form of the Value Dependence Graph (VDG) extended by the addition of state dependence edges to model sequentialise...
Constraint diagrams are a visual notation designed to complement the Unified Modeling Language in the development of software systems. They generalize Venn diagrams and Euler cir...
The Program Dependence Graph was introduced by Ottenstein and Ottenstein in 1984. It was suggested to be a suitable internal program representation for monolithic programs, for th...