
179views more  JUCS 2002»
14 years 3 days ago
A Fast and Simple Algorithm for Constructing Minimal Acyclic Deterministic Finite Automata
: In this paper, we present a fast and simple algorithm for constructing a minimal acyclic deterministic finite automaton from a finite set of words. Such automata are useful in a ...
Bruce W. Watson
123views more  JUCS 2002»
14 years 3 days ago
Synchronization and Stability of Finite Automata
: Let G = (V, E) be a strongly connected and aperiodic directed graph of uniform out-degree k. A deterministic finite automaton is obtained if the edges are colored with k colors i...
Jarkko Kari
109views more  IPL 2008»
14 years 13 days ago
Description and analysis of a bottom-up DFA minimization algorithm
Abstract. We establish linear-time reductions between the minimization of a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) and the conjunction of 3 subproblems: the minimization of a strongl...
Jorge Almeida, Marc Zeitoun
14 years 1 months ago
The Road Coloring and Cerny Conjecture
A synchronizing word of a deterministic automaton is a word in the alphabet of colors (considered as letters) of its edges that maps the automaton to a single state. A coloring of...
Avraham Trahtman
14 years 2 months ago
Inference of Event-Recording Automata Using Timed Decision Trees
In regular inference, the problem is to infer a regular language, typically represented by a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) from answers to a finite set of membership querie...
Olga Grinchtein, Bengt Jonsson, Paul Pettersson
14 years 2 months ago
Optimal Metric Planning with State Sets in Automata Representation
This paper proposes an optimal approach to infinite-state action planning exploiting automata theory. State sets and actions are characterized by Presburger formulas and represent...
Björn Ulrich Borowsky, Stefan Edelkamp
115views Education» more  SIGCSE 1994»
14 years 4 months ago
LLparse and LRparse: visual and interactive tools for parsing
This paper describes instructional tools, LLparse and LRparse, for visualizing and interacting with small examples of LL and LR parsing. These tools can be used to understand the ...
Stephen A. Blythe, Michael C. James, Susan H. Rodg...