Most information retrieval settings, such as web search, are typically precision-oriented, i.e. they focus on retrieving a small number of highly relevant documents. However, in sp...
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) data integration combines the P2P infrastructure with traditional scheme-based data integration techniques. Some of the primary problems in this research area ar...
Detecting the failure of a data stream is relatively easy when the stream is continually full of data. The transfer of large amounts of data allows for the simple detection of inte...
Abstract. Sensor database is a type of database management system which offers sensor data and stored data in its data model and query languages. In this system, when a user poses ...
Data intensive applications in Life Sciences extensively use the Hidden Web as a platform for information sharing. Access to these heterogeneous Hidden Web resources is limited thr...
Anupam Bhattacharjee, Aminul Islam, Mohammad Shafk...
Abstract. Wikis have demonstrated how it is possible to convert a community of strangers into a community of collaborators. Semantic wikis have opened an interesting way to mix web...
Abstract. In this paper, we study the problem of projected outlier detection in high dimensional data streams and propose a new technique, called Stream Projected Ouliter deTector ...
Ji Zhang, Qigang Gao, Hai H. Wang, Qing Liu, Kai X...
Tagging has become increasingly popular and useful across various social networks and applications. It allows users to classify and organize resources for improving the retrieval p...
Abstract. This paper proposes a natural extension of conditional functional dependencies (cfds [14]) and conditional inclusion dependencies (cinds [8]), denoted by cfdp s and cindp...