The paper describes the Jur-Wordnet (Jur-IWN) project, whose objective is an ontology-based extension to the legal domain of the Italian version of EuroWordNet. It aims at providi...
As users, computers, data and processes become increasingly mobile and the diversity of interacting devices increases, pervasive computing tasks are difficult to predict and to u...
The key to mobile payment acceptance is in the hands of customers. In this paper we use the results of the mobile payment survey MP1 in order to identify and roughly weigh the mos...
In this work we consider ontologies as knowledge structures that specify terms, their properties and relations among them to enable knowledge extraction from texts. We represent o...
This paper examines a model of trusted computing wherein a computing platform is able to make assertions about its current software configuration that may be trusted by the user ...
Bi-lateral negotiations represent an important class of encounter in agent-based systems. To this end, this paper develops and evaluates a heuristic model that enables an agent to...
We examine the interference of fairness and observers in digital coin systems. Since copying of coins cannot be prevented cryptographically in anonymous off-line coin systems, dou...
Hypermedia design methods have been proposed for the development of hypermedia and web applications. Nowadays, we face up to another challenge, the Semantic Web, in order to repre...
In order to create, share and improve knowledge on business processes, humans need a common, readable and preferably visual notation. So far, a lot of effort has been put into vis...