Geographical data are mainly structured in layers of information. However, this model of organisation is not convenient for navigation inside a dataset, and so limits geographical...
In this paper, we examine the application of manifold learning to the clustering problem. The method used is Locality Preserving Projections (LPP), which is chosen because of its ...
Hassan A. Kingravi, M. Emre Celebi, Pragya P. Raja...
Question Answering (QA) systems automatically answer natural language questions in a human-like manner. One of the practical approaches to open domain QA consists in extracting fa...
Mahboob Alam Khalid, Valentin Jijkoun, Maarten de ...
We present a security engineering process based on security problem frames and concretized security problem frames. Both kinds of frames constitute patterns for analyzing security...
This paper presents an approach to generate audio based learning material dynamically from Wikipedia articles for m-Learning and ubiquitous access. It introduces the so called ’...
The prerequisites of success and reasons for failure for enterprise integration projects are still not wellunderstood as evidenced by large failure rates, including cost or schedu...