The test mask TM is the minimum neighbourhood sufficient to extract the medial axis of any discrete shape, for a given chamfer distance mask M. We propose an arithmetical framework...
To find corresponding points in different poses of the same articulated shape, a non rigid coordinate system is used. Each pixel of each shape is identified by a pair of distinct c...
Abstract. Discrete tomography is a powerful approach for reconstructing images that contain only a few grey levels from their projections. Most theory and reconstruction algorithms...
For discrete sets coded by the Freeman chain describing their contour, several linear algorithms have been designed for determining their shape properties. Most of them are based ...
Finding an efficient optimal partial tiling algorithm is still an open problem. We have worked on a special case, the tiling of Manhattan polyominoes with dominoes, for which we gi...
The Minimum Length Polygon (MLP) is an interesting first order approximation of a digital contour. For instance, the convexity of the MLP is characteristic of the digital convexit...
Among the polyominoes that tile the plane by translation, the so-called squares have been conjectured to tile the plane in at most two distinct ways (these are called double square...
A new technique to automatically detect the vanishing points in digital images is presented. The proposed method borrows several ideas from various papers on vanishing point detect...
Abstract. The exact, subpixel watershed algorithm delivers very accurate watershed boundaries based on a spline interpolation, but is slow and only works in 2D. On the other hand, ...