Crisis Management and Disaster Recovery have gained immense importance in the wake of recent man and nature inflicted calamities such as the terrorist attacks of September 11th 20...
Khalid Saleem, Steven Luis, Yi Deng, Shu-Ching Che...
Increasingly, taxonomies are being developed for a wide variety of industrial domains and specific applications within those domains. These industry or application specific taxono...
Chin Pang Cheng, Jiayi Pan, Gloria T. Lau, Kincho ...
This paper presents a new approach to identifying concepts expressed in a collection of email messages, and organizing them into an ontology or taxonomy for browsing. It incorpora...
We address the e-rulemaking problem of reducing the manual labor required to analyze public comment sets. In current and previous work, for example, text categorization techniques...
The promise of E-Government (and its more recent spin-offs of EDemocracy, E-Participation, E-Procurement, and a range of other "E-`s") is to engage citizenry in governme...
John Carlo Bertot, Paul T. Jaeger, Charles R. McCl...
The Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model (FPHLM) developed in the State of Florida offers an open, public and effective tool for the government to regulate the insurance ratemaking...
Shu-Ching Chen, Min Chen, Na Zhao, Shahid Hamid, K...