
264views Education» more  DGO 2011»
13 years 3 months ago
Developing an ontology for the U.S. patent system
The past few years have experienced an explosive growth in scientific and regulatory documents related to the patent system. Relevant information is siloed into many heterogeneous...
Siddharth Taduri, Gloria T. Lau, Kincho H. Law, Ha...
277views Education» more  DGO 2011»
13 years 3 months ago
Application of the MINOE regulatory analysis framework: case studies
In this paper, we describe a tool to help holistically understand, research and analyze the relationship between an ecosystem model and the relevant laws. Specifically, a software...
Julia A. Ekstrom, Gloria T. Lau, Kincho H. Law, Ma...
254views Education» more  DGO 2011»
13 years 3 months ago
Attitudes toward online availability of US public records
Many have enthusiastically greeted the ability to search and view public records online as a great advance for transparency and accountability. Such ability, however, also creates...
Sean A. Munson, Daniel Avrahami, Sunny Consolvo, J...
285views Education» more  DGO 2011»
13 years 3 months ago
Social media use by government: from the routine to the critical
Social media (i.e., Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube) and other services with user-generated content have made a staggering amount of information (and misinformation) available....
Andrea L. Kavanaugh, Edward A. Fox, Steven D. Shee...
247views Education» more  DGO 2011»
13 years 3 months ago
Open government and e-government: democratic challenges from a public value perspective
We consider open government (OG) within the context of egovernment and its broader implications for the future of public administration. We argue that the current US Administratio...
Teresa M. Harrison, Santiago Guerrero, G. Brian Bu...
237views Education» more  DGO 2011»
13 years 3 months ago
Modeling digital preservation capabilities in enterprise architecture
The rising awareness of the challenges of preserving information over the long term has led to a wealth of initiatives developing economic models, methods, tools, systems, guideli...
Christoph Becker, Gonçalo Antunes, Jos&eacu...
302views Education» more  DGO 2011»
13 years 3 months ago
An ontology-based interactive tool to search documents in the U.S. patent system
The past few years have seen an explosive growth in scientific and regulatory documents related to the patent system. Relevant information is siloed into many heterogeneous and di...
Siddharth Taduri, Gloria T. Lau, Kincho H. Law, Ha...