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Studying examples of expert case-based adaptation could advance computational modeling but only if the examples can be succinctly represented and reliably interpreted. Supreme Cour...
Kevin D. Ashley, Collin Lynch, Niels Pinkwart, Vin...
Classifying objects in computer vision, we are faced with a great many features one can use. This paper argues that diagrammatic representations help to comprehend properties of fe...
We give a brief overview of the main characteristics of diagrammatic reasoning, analyze a case of human reasoning in a mastermind game, and explain why hybrid representation system...
Abstract. This paper shows by a constructive method the existence of a diagrammatic representation called extended Euler diagrams for any collection of sets X1, ..., Xn , n < 9....
Abstract. Description logics (DLs) are a well-known family of knowledge representation (KR) languages. The notation of DLs has the style of a variable-free first order predicate l...