
14 years 1 months ago
KIDS - Keyed Intrusion Detection System
Since most current network attacks happen at the application layer, analysis of packet payload is necessary for their detection. Unfortunately malicious packets may be crafted to m...
Sasa Mrdovic, Branislava Drazenovic
14 years 3 months ago
dAnubis - Dynamic Device Driver Analysis Based on Virtual Machine Introspection
Abstract. In the escalating arms race between malicious code and security tools designed to analyze it, detect it or mitigate its impact, malicious code running inside the operatin...
Matthias Neugschwandtner, Christian Platzer, Paolo...
14 years 4 months ago
HProxy: Client-Side Detection of SSL Stripping Attacks
Abstract. In today's world wide web hundreds of thousands of companies use SSL to protect their customers' transactions from potential eavesdroppers. Recently, a new atta...
Nick Nikiforakis, Yves Younan, Wouter Joosen
14 years 4 months ago
Why Johnny Can't Pentest: An Analysis of Black-Box Web Vulnerability Scanners
Black-box web vulnerability scanners are a class of tools that can be used to identify security issues in web applications. These tools are often marketed as "point-and-click ...
Adam Doupé, Marco Cova, Giovanni Vigna
14 years 4 months ago
Evaluating Bluetooth as a Medium for Botnet Command and Control
Abstract. Malware targeting mobile phones is being studied with increasing interest by the research community. While such attention has previously focused on viruses and worms, man...
Kapil Singh, Samrit Sangal, Nehil Jain, Patrick Tr...
14 years 4 months ago
Take a Deep Breath: A Stealthy, Resilient and Cost-Effective Botnet Using Skype
Abstract. Skype is one of the most used P2P applications on the Internet: VoIP calls, instant messaging, SMS and other features are provided at a low cost to millions of users. Alt...
Antonio Nappa, Aristide Fattori, Marco Balduzzi, M...
14 years 4 months ago
HookScout: Proactive Binary-Centric Hook Detection
Abstract. In order to obtain and maintain control, kernel malware usually makes persistent control flow modifications (i.e., installing hooks). To avoid detection, malware develope...
Heng Yin, Pongsin Poosankam, Steve Hanna, Dawn Xia...
14 years 4 months ago
Organizing Large Scale Hacking Competitions
Computer security competitions and challenges are a way to foster innovation and educate students in a highly-motivating setting. In recent years, a number of different security co...
Nicholas Childers, Bryce Boe, Lorenzo Cavallaro, L...
14 years 4 months ago
Conqueror: Tamper-Proof Code Execution on Legacy Systems
We present Conqueror, a software-based attestation scheme for tamper-proof code execution on untrusted legacy systems. Beside providing load-time attestation of a piece of code, Co...
Lorenzo Martignoni, Roberto Paleari, Danilo Brusch...
14 years 4 months ago
Covertly Probing Underground Economy Marketplaces
Cyber-criminals around the world are using Internet-based communication channels to establish trade relationships and complete fraudulent transactions. Furthermore, they control an...
Hanno Fallmann, Gilbert Wondracek, Christian Platz...