We combine lexical, syntactic, and discourse features to produce a highly predictive model of human readers' judgments of text readability. This is the first study to take in...
In this paper we describe the development of a schema for the annotation of attribution relations and present the first findings and some relevant issues concerning this phenomeno...
In this paper, we present our work on constructing a textual semantic relation corpus by making use of an existing treebank annotated with discourse relations. We extract adjacent...
In this paper, we make a qualitative and quantitative analysis of discourse relations within the LUNA conversational spoken dialog corpus. In particular, we describe the adaptatio...
Sara Tonelli, Giuseppe Riccardi, Rashmi Prasad, Ar...
In this paper, we describe a preliminary study for a discourse based opinion categorization and propose a new annotation schema for a deep contextual opinion analysis using discou...
Nicholas Asher, Farah Benamara, Yvette Yannick Mat...