
13 years 10 months ago
Towards Semi-Supervised Classification of Discourse Relations using Feature Correlations
Two of the main corpora available for training discourse relation classifiers are the RST Discourse Treebank (RST-DT) and the Penn Discourse Treebank (PDTB), which are both based ...
Hugo Hernault, Danushka Bollegala, Mitsuru Ishizuk...
13 years 10 months ago
A Semi-Supervised Approach to Improve Classification of Infrequent Discourse Relations Using Feature Vector Extension
Several recent discourse parsers have employed fully-supervised machine learning approaches. These methods require human annotators to beforehand create an extensive training corp...
Hugo Hernault, Danushka Bollegala, Mitsuru Ishizuk...
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14 years 1 months ago
A Study of Parentheticals in Discourse Corpora - Implications for NLG Systems
This paper presents a corpus study of parenthetical constructions in two different corpora: the Penn Discourse Treebank (PDTB, (PDTBGroup, 2008)) and the RST Discourse Treebank (C...
Eva Banik, Alan Lee