We present the Iterated-Tverberg algorithm, the first deterministic algorithm for computing an approximate centerpoint of a set S ∈ Rd with running time sub-exponential in d. T...
of Polyhedra: Limits of Abstraction Friedrich Eisenbrand∗ Nicolai Hähnle† Alexander Razborov‡ Thomas Rothvoߧ September 25, 2009 tigate the diameter of a natural abstract...
Given a set of n points in the plane and a collection of k halving lines of P ℓ1, . . . , ℓk indexed according to the increasing order of their slopes, we denote by d(ℓj, ...
Color red and blue the n vertices of a convex polytope P in R3 . Can we compute the convex hull of each color class in o(n log n)? What if we have χ > 2 colors? What if the co...
We consider the set multi-cover problem in geometric settings. Given a set of points P and a collection of geometric shapes (or sets) F, we wish to nd a minimum cardinality subse...
Chandra Chekuri, Kenneth L. Clarkson, Sariel Har-P...
Topological persistence has proven to be a key concept for the study of real-valued functions defined over topological spaces. Its validity relies on the fundamental property tha...
A topological graph is a graph drawn in the plane with vertices represented by points and edges as arcs connecting its vertices. A k-grid in a topological graph is a pair of edge ...