We integrate ontology languages and logic programming (LP) by extending disjunctive logic programs (DLPs) and their semantics in order to support inverses and an infinite univers...
All major semantics of normal logic programs and normal logic programs with aggregates can be described as fixpoints of the one-step provability operator or of operators that can...
Current literature offers a number of different approaches to what could generally be called “probabilistic logic programming”. These are usually based on Horn clauses. Here, ...
Joost Vennekens, Sofie Verbaeten, Maurice Bruynoog...
Disjunction is generally considered to add expressive power to logic programs under the stable model semantics, which have become a popular programming paradigm for knowledge repr...
Thomas Eiter, Michael Fink, Hans Tompits, Stefan W...
Abstract. We present the Consistency Extractor System (ConsEx) that uses answer set programming to compute consistent answers to first-order queries posed to relational databases ...
Practically all programming languages used in software engineering allow to split a program into several modules. For fully declarative and nonmonotonic logic programming languages...
Tomi Janhunen, Emilia Oikarinen, Hans Tompits, Ste...
We extend to disjunctive logic programs our previous work on computing loop formulas of loops with at most one external support. We show that for these logic programs, loop formula...