We investigate a special case of the maximum quadratic assignment problem where one matrix is a product matrix and the other matrix is the distance matrix of a one-dimensional poi...
Motivated by an application in highway pricing, we consider the problem that consists in setting profit-maximizing tolls on a clique subset of a multicommodity transportation net...
In recent years there has been growing interest in generating valid inequalities for mixedinteger programs using sets with 2 or more constraints. In particular, Andersen et al. (2...
SAT and MAX SAT are among the most prominent problems for which local search algorithms have been successfully applied. A fundamental task for such an algorithm is to increase the...
We study the parameterized complexity of a directed analog of the Full Degree Spanning Tree problem where, given a digraph D and a nonnegative integer k, the goal is to construct a...
Daniel Lokshtanov, Venkatesh Raman, Saket Saurabh,...