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Non-rigid image registration plays an important role in medical image analysis. Recently, Tang and Chung proposed to model the non-rigid medical image registration problem as an e...
The aim of this paper is to present a dissimilarity measure strategy by which a new philosophy for pattern classification pertaining to dissimilaritybased classifications (DBCs) ca...
— This paper introduces the contextual dissimilarity measure which significantly improves the accuracy of bag-offeatures based image search. Our measure takes into account the l...
A novel method based on shape morphing is proposed for 2D shape recognition. In this framework, the shape of objects is described by using their contour. Shape recognition involve...
Semisupervised clustering algorithms partition a given data set using limited supervision from the user. The success of these algorithms depends on the type of supervision and also...
We study a dissimilarity measure between shapes, expressed by the natural pseudodistance between size pairs, where a shape is viewed as a topological space endowed with a real-val...
Abstract. Dissimilarity measurement plays a crucial role in contentbased image retrieval, where data objects and queries are represented as vectors in high-dimensional content feat...
Methods for controlling the adaptation process of an on-line handwritten character recognizer are studied. The classifier is based on the -nearest neighbor rule and it is adapted...
Vuokko Vuori, Jorma Laaksonen, Erkki Oja, Jari Kan...
In this paper a formal approach to construction of a similarity measure for complex creatures is presented. The simulation model is described, and a Framsticks agent is expressed i...
Many practical applications require that distance measures to be asymmetric and context-sensitive. We introduce Context-sensitive Learnable Asymmetric Dissimilarity (CLAD) measure...