
111views more  DM 2000»
14 years 8 days ago
Representations of graphs modulo n
A graph is said to be representable modulo n if its vertices can be labelled with distinct integers between 0 and n - 1 inclusive such that two vertices are adjacent if and only i...
Anthony B. Evans, Garth Isaak, Darren A. Narayan
129views more  COMBINATORICS 2006»
14 years 15 days ago
Descendants in Increasing Trees
Simple families of increasing trees can be constructed from simply generated tree families, if one considers for every tree of size n all its increasing labellings, i. e. labellin...
Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer
72views more  DM 2008»
14 years 16 days ago
(p, 1)-Total labelling of graphs
A (p, 1)-total labelling of a graph G is an assignment of integers to V (G) E(G) such that: (i) any two adjacent vertices of G receive distinct integers, (ii) any two adjacent ed...
Frédéric Havet, Min-Li Yu
67views more  DAM 2008»
14 years 16 days ago
On the variance of Shannon products of graphs
We study the combinatorial problem of finding an arrangement of distinct integers into the ddimensional N-cube so that the maximal variance of the numbers on each -dimensional sec...
József Balogh, Clifford D. Smyth