Abstract. The class of dense circulant graphs of degree four with optimal distance-related properties is analyzed in this paper. An algebraic study of this class is done. Two geome...
There have been many parallel external sorting algorithms reported such as NOW-Sort, SPsort, and hill sort, etc. They are for sorting large-scale data stored in the disk, but they ...
Abstract. The OpenMP Architecture Review Board has released version 2.0 of the OpenMP Fortran language specification in November 2000, and version 2.0 of the OpenMP C/C++ language...
This paper proves that for every positive integers n and k, we can explicitly construct a graph G with n+O(k) vertices and maximum degree 3, such that even after removing any k ve...
The increasing application space of interconnection networks now encompasses several applications, such as packet routing and I/O interconnect, where the throughput of a routing a...
We propose a new approach for constructing P2P networks based on a dynamic decomposition of a continuous space into cells corresponding to servers. We demonstrate the power of thi...
The current literature offers two extremes of nonblocking software synchronization support for concurrent data structure design: intricate designs of specific structures based o...