Abstract Practical description logic systems play an ever-growing role for knowledge representation and reasoning research even in distributed environments. In particular, the onto...
The goal of this paper is to present how the Prolog Technology Theorem Proving (PTTP) approach can be used for ABox-reasoning. This work presents an inference algorithm over the l...
A variety of fuzzy description logics are proposed to extend classical description logics with fuzzy capability. However, reasoning with general TBoxes is still an open problem in...
We recently proposed action formalisms based on description logics (DLs) as decidable fragments of well-established action theories such as the Situation Calculus and the Fluent C...
Hongkai Liu, Carsten Lutz, Maja Milicic, Frank Wol...
In our case study we investigate a server for answering OWLQL queries with distinguished variables only (henceforth called OWLQL). This server acts as a proxy that delegates queri...
An important reasoning task, in addition to the standard DL reasoning services, is conjunctive query answering. In this paper, we present algorithms for conjunctive query answerin...
We propose a technique to make consistency detection scalable for large Aboxes in secondary storage. We use static analysis of knowledge representation with summarization techniqu...