We propose an approach for extending domain knowledge represented in DL ontology by using knowledge extraction methods on ontology assertions. Concept and role assertions are extra...
In this paper we consider the extensions of description logics that were proposed to represent uncertain or vague knowledge, focusing on the fuzzy and possibilistic formalisms. We ...
Abstract. Four-valued description logic has been proposed to reason with description logic based inconsistent knowledge bases, mainly ALC. This approach has a distinct advantage th...
We identify the complexity of (finite model) reasoning in the DL SROIQ to be N2ExpTime-complete. We also prove that (finite model) reasoning in the DL SR--a fragment of SROIQ witho...
Representing probabilistic knowledge in combination with a description logic has been a research topic for quite some time. In [1] one of such combinations is introduced. We presen...
Absorptions are generally employed in Description Logics (DL) reasoners in a uniform way regardless of the structure of an input knowledge base. In this paper we present an approac...