Multiple distributed and modular ontology representation frameworks have recently appeared. They typically extend Description Logics (DL), with new constructs to represent relation...
Abstract. Abductive reasoning has been recognized as a valuable complement to deductive inference for tasks such as diagnosis and integration of incomplete information despite its ...
Dynamic epistemic logic plays a key role in reasoning about multi-agent systems. Past approaches to dynamic epistemic logic have typically been focused on actions whose primary pur...
Unsatisfiable concepts are a major cause for inconsistencies in Description Logics knowledge bases. Popular methods for repairing such concepts aim to remove or rewrite axioms to r...
Abstract. Inconsistency handling is of growing importance in Knowledge Representation since inconsistencies may frequently occur in an open world. Paraconsistent (or inconsistency-...
Abstract. One of the most frequently used inference services of description logic reasoners classifies all named classes of OWL ontologies into a subsumption hierarchy. Due to emer...
Abstract. Recently, the use of the MapReduce framework for distributed RDF Schema reasoning has shown that it is possible to compute the deductive closure of sets of over a billion...
Raghava Mutharaju, Frederick Maier, Pascal Hitzler