
141views Languages» more  DLS 2010»
14 years 11 days ago
Optimizing dynamic dispatch with fine-grained state tracking
Dynamic mixin is a construct available in Ruby and other dynamic languages. It can be used as a base to implement a range of programming paradigms, such as dynamic aspectoriented ...
Salikh Zakirov, Shigeru Chiba, Etsuya Shibayama
150views Languages» more  DLS 2010»
14 years 11 days ago
Controlling dynamic module composition through an extensible meta-level API
Eyvind W. Axelsen, Stein Krogdahl, Birger Mø...
277views Languages» more  DLS 2010»
14 years 11 days ago
Factor: a dynamic stack-based programming language
Factor is a new dynamic object-oriented programming language. It began as an embedded scripting language and evolved to a mature application development language. The language has...
Sviatoslav Pestov, Daniel Ehrenberg, Joe Groff
204views Languages» more  DLS 2010»
14 years 11 days ago
Alias analysis for optimization of dynamic languages
Dynamic languages such as Python allow programs to be written more easily using high-level constructs such as comprehensions for queries and using generic code. Efficient executio...
Michael Gorbovitski, Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stol...
162views Languages» more  DLS 2010»
14 years 11 days ago
Proxies: design principles for robust object-oriented intercession APIs
Proxies are a powerful approach to implement meta-objects in object-oriented languages without having to resort to metacircular interpretation. We introduce such a meta-level API ...
Tom Van Cutsem, Mark S. Miller
146views Languages» more  DLS 2010»
14 years 11 days ago
Experiences with an icon-like expression evaluation system
The design of the Icon programming language's expression evaluation system, which can perform limited backtracking, was unique amongst imperative programming languages when c...
Laurence Tratt
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14 years 11 days ago
Contracts for first-class classes
First-class classes add expressive power to class-based object-oriented languages. Most importantly, programmers ract over common scenarios with first-class classes. When it comes...
T. Stephen Strickland, Matthias Felleisen