We investigate equidissections of a trapezoid T(a), where the ratio of the lengths of two parallel sides is a. (An equidissection is a dissection into triangles of equal areas.) A...
The chromatic capacity cap(G) of a graph G is the largest k for which there exists a k-coloring of the edges of G such that, for every coloring of the vertices of G with the same ...
The use of amicable sets of eight circulant matrices and four negacyclic matrices to generate orthogonal designs is relatively new. We find all 1841 possible orthogonal designs of...
Wolf H. Holzmann, Hadi Kharaghani, Behruz Tayfeh-R...
We improve upon the best known upper and lower bounds on the sizes of minimal feedback vertex sets in butterflies. Also, we construct new feedback vertex sets in grids so that for...
Difference Systems of Sets (DSS) are combinatorial configurations that arise in connection with code synchronization. A method for the construction of DSS from partitions of cycli...
Given a simple graph G on n vertices, we prove that it is possible to reconstruct several algebraic properties of the edge ideal from the deck of G, that is, from the collection o...
We prove the following result concerning the inheritance of hyper-duality by block and quotient Bose-Mesner algebras associated with a hyper-dual pair of imprimitive Bose-Mesner a...
Tolerance spaces and algebraic structures with compatible tolerances play an important role in contemporary algebra and their applications. In this contribution we are presenting ...