For a graph G, denote by fk(G) the smallest number of vertices that must be deleted from G so that the remaining induced subgraph has its maximum degree shared by at least k verti...
We resolve affirmatively some conjectures of Reiner, Stanton, and White [6] regarding enumeration of various classes of matrices which are invariant under certain cyclic row and co...
Recently, Keller and Pilpel conjectured that the influence of a monotone Boolean function does not decrease if we apply to it an invertible linear transformation. Our aim in this s...
We say that a hypergraph H is hamiltonian path (cycle) saturated if H does not contain an open (closed) hamiltonian chain but by adding any new edge we create an open (closed) ham...
We show that the firefighter problem is NP-complete for cubic graphs. We also show that given a rooted tree of maximum degree three in which every leaf is the same distance from t...