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Modern digital libraries offer all the hyperlinking possibilities of the World Wide Web: when a reader finds a citation of interest, in many cases she can now click on a link to b...
This research investigated the application of techniques successfully used in previous information retrieval research, to the more challenging area of medical informatics. It was ...
Andrea L. Houston, Hsinchun Chen, Bruce R. Schatz,...
For the management of digital document collections, automatic database analysis still has ties to deal with semantic queries and abstract concepts that users are looking for. When...
Statistical language models can learn relationships between topics discussed in a document collection and persons, organizations and places mentioned in each document. We present a...
David Newman, Chaitanya Chemudugunta, Padhraic Smy...
We consider the following autocompletion search scenario: imagine a user of a search engine typing a query; then with every keystroke display those completions of the last query wo...
Holger Bast, Christian Worm Mortensen, Ingmar Webe...
: We are presenting a set of multilingual text analysis tools that can help analysts in any field to explore large document collections quickly in order to determine whether the do...
Camelia Ignat, Bruno Pouliquen, Ralf Steinberger, ...
The TREC 2007 question answering (QA) track contained two tasks: the main task consisting of series of factoid, list, and “Other” questions organized around a set of targets, ...
We study methods to initialize or bias different clustering methods using prior information about the "importance" of a keyword w.r.t. the whole document collection or a...
- Researchers are faced with a wide range of tasks when interacting with the literature of a scientific field. These tasks range from determining the field’s seminal documents, f...
Richard H. Fowler, Kyle Picou, Wendy Fowler, Yavuz...
In order to support the navigation in huge document collections efficiently, tagged hierarchical structures can be used. Often, multiple tags are used to describe resources. For u...