
76views more  JASIS 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
Guided paths through Web-based collections: Design, experiences, and adaptations
Digital libraries need to facilitate the use of digital information in a variety of settings. One approach to making information useful is to enable its application to situations ...
Frank M. Shipman III, Richard Furuta, Donald Brenn...
144views Hardware» more  ETS 2002»
14 years 7 days ago
Creating Shared Knowledge: Instructional Knowledge Management Systems
Document management, information management, and knowledge management are three processes of an instructional knowledge management system (IKMS) that require different ways of thi...
Gerald S. Edmonds, Rob Pusch
108views more  IPM 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
A system for supporting cross-lingual information retrieval
In this paper, we present the system MULINEX, a fully implemented system which supports cross-lingual search of the WWW. Users can formulate, expand and disambiguate queries, filt...
Joanne Capstick, Abdel Kader Diagne, Gregor Erbach...
85views more  IJMMS 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
Ontology-driven document enrichment: principles, tools and applications
In this paper we present an approach to document enrichment, which consists of developing and integrating formal knowledge models with archives of documents, to provide intelligent...
Enrico Motta, Simon Buckingham Shum, John Domingue
14 years 8 days ago
Analysis of Titles and Readers for Title Generation Centered on the Readers
The title of a document has two roles, to give a compact summary and to lead the reader to read the document. Conventional title generation focuses on finding key expressions from...
Yasuko Senda, Yaushi Shinohara
14 years 8 days ago
Automatic Text Categorization using the Importance of Sentences
Automatic text categorization is a problem of automatically assigning text documents to predefined categories. In order to classify text documents, we must extract good features f...
Youngjoong Ko, Jinwoo Park, Jungyun Seo
84views more  ACTA 2002»
14 years 9 days ago
Formal properties of XML grammars and languages
We consider XML documents described by a document type definition (DTD). An XML-grammar is a formal grammar that captures the syntactic features of a DTD. We investigate properties...
Jean Berstel, Luc Boasson
14 years 10 days ago
Simple Classification into Large Topic Ontology of Web Documents
The paper presents an approach to classifying Web documents into large topic ontology. The main emphasis is on having a simple approach appropriate for handling a large ontology an...
Marko Grobelnik, Dunja Mladenic
88views more  JCP 2007»
14 years 10 days ago
Watermarks and Text Transformations in Visual Document Authentication
— Integrity of digital documents is a very important issue if they are to be legally binding. Common solutions, like digital signatures or message authentication codes, are based...
Igor Fischer, Thorsten Herfet
155views more  BMCBI 2005»
14 years 10 days ago
Mining protein function from text using term-based support vector machines
Background: Text mining has spurred huge interest in the domain of biology. The goal of the BioCreAtIvE exercise was to evaluate the performance of current text mining systems. We...
Simon B. Rice, Goran Nenadic, Benjamin J. Stapley