
124views more  ARSCOM 2004»
14 years 10 days ago
The Domatic Number of Regular Graphs
The domatic number of a graph G is the maximum number of dominating sets into which the vertex set of G can be partitioned. We show that the domatic number of a random r-regular g...
Peter Dankelmann, Neil J. Calkin
99views more  MST 2006»
14 years 12 days ago
Complexity of the Exact Domatic Number Problem and of the Exact Conveyor Flow Shop Problem
We prove that the exact versions of the domatic number problem are complete for the levels of the boolean hierarchy over NP. The domatic number problem, which arises in the area of...
Tobias Riege, Jörg Rothe
14 years 6 months ago
Inclusion--Exclusion Algorithms for Counting Set Partitions
Given an n-element set U and a family of subsets S ⊆ 2U we show how to count the number of k-partitions S1 ∪ · · · ∪ Sk = U into subsets Si ∈ S in time 2nnO(1). The only...
Andreas Björklund, Thore Husfeldt