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: Denial of Service (DoS) attacks can be easily launched in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Due to their resource constraints, namely limited energy, memory and bandwidth, WSNs ar...
The main goal of the NETSEC project is to design and implement a framework for mitigating the effects of the node-based and link-based DoS attacks. Our strategy employs three lin...
Chatree Sangpachatanaruk, Sherif M. Khattab, Taieb...
We present a solution to the denial of service (DoS) problem that does not rely on network infrastructure support, conforming to the end-to-end (e2e) design principle. Our approac...
Angelos Stavrou, Angelos D. Keromytis, Jason Nieh,...
— Currently, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks remain amongst the most critical threats to Internet applications. The goal of the attacker in a DoS attack is to overwhelm a shared ...
—In this paper, we investigate the applicability of simulation and emulation for denial of service (DoS) attack experimentation. As a case study, we consider low-rate TCP-targete...
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks have continued to evolve and they impact the availability of Internet infrastructure. Many researchers in the field of network security and system ...
In this paper we investigate a special type of denial of service (DoS) attack on 802.11-based networks, namely deauthentication/disassociation attack. In the current IEEE 802.11 s...
Thuc D. Nguyen, Duc H. M. Nguyen, Bao N. Tran, Hai...
Computational puzzles are mildly difficult computational problems that require resources (processor cycles, memory, or both) to solve. Puzzles have found a variety of uses in secu...
Liqun Chen, Paul Morrissey, Nigel P. Smart, Bogdan...