The goal of obfuscation is to transform a program, without affecting its functionality, such that some secret information within the program can be hidden for as long as possible...
Anirban Majumdar, Stephen Drape, Clark D. Thombors...
provides a very brief overview of some of the main points. References are given to my papers, where those points are explained in more detail, and citations are provided to the ext...
We introduce a data structure for program execution under a limited oblivious execution model. For fully oblivious execution along the lines of Goldreich and Ostrovsky [2], one tr...
Avinash V. Varadarajan, Ramarathnam Venkatesan, C....
We present a new technique for generating biometric fingerprint hashes, or summaries of information contained in human fingerprints. Our method calculates and aggregates various...
In software protection we typically have to deal with the white-box attack model. In this model an attacker is assumed to have full access to the software and full control over it...