
134views more  CONNECTION 2004»
14 years 9 days ago
'Feeling' the flow of time through sensorimotor co-ordination
In this paper, we aim to design decision-making mechanisms for a simulated Khepera robot equipped with simple sensors, which integrates over time its perceptual experience in order...
Elio Tuci, Vito Trianni, Marco Dorigo
162views more  TSMC 2008»
14 years 10 days ago
Codevelopmental Learning Between Human and Humanoid Robot Using a Dynamic Neural-Network Model
The paper examines characteristics of interactive learning between human tutors and a robot having a dynamic neural network model which is inspired by human parietal cortex functio...
Jun Tani, Ryunosuke Nishimoto, Jun Namikawa, Masat...
188views more  AR 2008»
14 years 18 days ago
Intentional Control for Planetary Rover SRR
Intentional behavior is a basic property of intelligence and it incorporates the cyclic operation of prediction, testing by action, sensing, perceiving, and assimilating the exper...
Robert Kozma, Terry Huntsberger, Hrand Aghazarian,...