We consider the task of devising large-margin based surrogate losses for the learning to rank problem. In this learning to rank setting, the traditional hinge loss for structured ...
We describe an exact decoding algorithm for syntax-based statistical translation. The approach uses Lagrangian relaxation to decompose the decoding problem into tractable subprobl...
Graphics processing units (GPU) on commodity video cards have evolved into powerful computational devices. The RNA secondary structure arises from the primary structure and a backb...
We present a new syntactic parser that works left-to-right and top down, thus maintaining a fully-connected parse tree for a few alternative parse hypotheses. All of the commonly ...
: Mobile agent technology advocates the mobility of code rather than the transfer of data. As data is found in several sites, a mobile agent has to plan an itinerary to visit sever...
Abstract. We present a novel system for propositional Answer-Set Programming (ASP). This system, called dynASP, is based on dynamic programming and thus significantly differs fro...
Abstract. We propose an improved shape matching algorithm that extends the work of Felzenszwalb [3]. In this approach, we use triangular meshes to represent deformable objects and ...
An alphabetic binary tree formulation applies to problems in which an outcome needs to be determined via alphabetically ordered search prior to the termination of some window of o...
We present taveRNA, a web server package that hosts three RNA web services: alteRNA, inteRNA and pRuNA. alteRNA is a new alternative for RNA secondary structure prediction. It is ...
Bucket elimination is an algorithmic framework that generalizes dynamic programming to accommodate many problem-solving and reasoning tasks. Algorithms such as directional-resolut...