In this paper we discuss algorithms for clustering words into classes from unlabelled text using unsupervised algorithms, based on distributional and morphological information. We...
In this paper we present a proposal to extend WordNet-like lexical databases by adding phrasets, i.e. sets of free combinations of words which are recurrently used to express a co...
The main aim of this project is to explore, develop and evaluate the contribution of language technologies to the development of WEBCOOP, a system that provides intelligent Cooper...
We illustrate how the use of metaphorical views for reasoning with metaphor requires the mapping of information such as event shape, event rate and mental/emotional states from th...
John A. Barnden, Sheila Glasbey, Mark G. Lee, Alan...
We describe an implementation integrating a spoken dialogue system with a mobile robot, which the user can direct to specific locations, ask for information about its status, and...
This paper presents the integration of cohesive properties of text with coherence relations, to obtain an adequate representation of text for automatic summarization. A summarizer...
We present a prototype system aimed at providing spoken dialogue support for complex procedures aboard the International Space Station. The system allows navigation one line at a ...
Gregory Aist, John Dowding, Beth Ann Hockey, Manny...
Previous work on the induction of selectional preferences has been mainly carried out for English and has concentrated almost exclusively on verbs and their direct objects. In thi...