
14 years 4 months ago
Virtual Organizations: The Business Design for the Twenty-First Century
The growing prominence of virtual organizations, such as Dell and Amazon.Com, has demonstrated the potential for virtual governance structures to achieve greater competitiveness th...
Choon-Ling Sia
14 years 4 months ago
The Issue of Mutuality in ECR Adoption: A Case Study
The adoption of ECR has been slow in many regions, despite its many potential benefits to manufacturers, distributors and retailers within a supply chain through reduction of inven...
Sherah Kurnia, Robert B. Johnston
14 years 4 months ago
Transforming Healthcare in Australia: The PeCC Initiative
Many of the current crises in contemporary healthcare management centre on issues concerning information management and costs. Electronic commerce (or e-commerce) activity, grounde...
Elizabeth More, G. Michael McGrath
14 years 4 months ago
Organisational Learning in the UK Construction Industry: A Knowledge Management Approach
This paper describes the work of an EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) and DETR (Department for the Environment and the Regions) funded research project
Graham Orange, Alan Burke, Jon Boam
14 years 4 months ago
A Systematic Analysis of the Effect of Task Clarity on Software Development Design
Two different types of development tasks are distinguished: Clear and unclear development tasks. Based on hypotheses from organizational theory two different designs of software d...
Werner Mellis
14 years 4 months ago
Reengineering Undergraduate Teaching by Introducing Internet-Based Learning Information Systems
- This paper illustrates how internet-based learning information systems can be used to reengineer undergraduate teaching in the age of mass higher education. We describe current p...
Petra Meier, Bernd Simon
14 years 4 months ago
Quality and Rigour of Action Research in Information Systems
This paper discusses nature of action research, and its particular strengths in disciplines such as information systems (IS). However concerns are raised about the quality and rigo...
Judy McKay, Peter Marshall
14 years 4 months ago
Decision Support for Flight Re-Routing in Europe
Congestion has plagued air traffic in the US and in Europe for nearly 20 years. To protect air traffic control from overloads, air traffic flow management tries to anticipate and ...
P. A. Leal de Matos, P. L. Powell
14 years 4 months ago
Perspectives on Knowledge Management Systems - Theoretical Framework and Design of an Empirical Study
Abstract- This paper deals with "Knowledge Management Systems" (KMS) which are seen as a new kind of information systems supporting organizational information processing....
Ronald Maier, Franz Lehner
14 years 4 months ago
Functional Integration Test of Mass Processes with Electronic Signatures in Public Administration
Nowadays, almost all public administration plan to establish processes with electronic signatures. For such processes, there are no standardized system models with test cases. We a...
B. Lapken, Frank Losemann, Thomas Engel, Christoph...