: Mixin-based inheritance is an inheritance technique that has been shown to subsume a variety of different inheritance mechanisms. It is based directly upon an incremental modific...
Patrick Steyaert, Wim Codenie, Theo D'Hondt, Koen ...
This paper proposes a formalism for reasoning about distributed object-oriented computations. The formalism is an extension of Milner’s CCS with the notion of local time. It allo...
Object-oriented programming promises to increase programmer productivity through better reuse of existing code. However, reuse is not yet pervasive in today’s object-oriented pro...
Abstract. We have developed language support for the expression of multiobject coordination. In our language, coordination patterns can be speci ed abstractly, independent of the p...
: To supply the financial engineering community with adequate and timely software support we advocate a reusability oriented approach to software development. The approach focuses ...
Abstract. We have designed and implemented a type inference algorithm for the Self language. The algorithm can guarantee the safety and disambiguity of message sends, and provide u...
Ole Agesen, Jens Palsberg, Michael I. Schwartzbach