
13 years 11 months ago
A Model for Semi-(a)Synchronous Collaborative Editing
: This paper presents a new model lor semi-synchronous collaborative editing. It fills the gap between asynchronous and synchronous editing styles. The model is based on hierarchic...
Sten Minör, Boris Magnusson
13 years 11 months ago
Beyond Videophones: TeamWorkStation-2 for Narrowband ISDN
: TeamWorkStation-2 (TWS-2) is introduced to connect two sites with a desktop overlay service using narrowband ISDN (N-ISDN) and the CCITT H.261 standard. Based on the experience g...
Hiroshi Ishii, Kazuho Arita, Takashi Yagi
13 years 11 months ago
Sharing To-Do Lists with a Distributed Task Manager
: We describe a simple and powerful tool for the management of distributed work: the Task Manager. Common tasks may be shared and manipulated independently by a number of people. T...
Thomas Kreifelts, Elke Hinrichs, Gerd Woetzel
13 years 11 months ago
The Designers' Notepad: Supporting and Understanding Cooperative Design
: We describe the development of a system to support cooperative software design. An iterative development approach has been used, based upon the observation of system use in authe...
Michael Twidale, Tom Rodden, Ian Sommerville
13 years 11 months ago
Culture and Control in a Media Space
: Media spaces integrate audio, video and computer networking technology in order to provide a rich communicative environment for collaboration. The connectivity which they provide...
Paul Dourish
13 years 11 months ago
COLA: a Lightweight Platform for CSCW
: Despite the reliance of cooperative applications on the facilities provided by distributed systems, little consideration is given by these systems to the support of cooperative w...
Jonathan Trevor, Tom Rodden, Gordon S. Blair
13 years 11 months ago
Do Categories Have Politics? The Language/Action Perspective Reconsidered
: Drawing on writings within the CSCW community and on recent social theory, this paper proposes that the adoption of speech act theory as a foundation for system design carries wi...
Lucy A. Suchman
13 years 11 months ago
Design for Unanticipated Use..
: Support for work practice is better conceptualised as support for activity taking place in a multidimensional space than as prescription of temporal task sequences. The notion of...
Mike Robinson