Abstract. Even though in Artificial Intelligence, a set of classical logical formulae is often called a belief base, reasoning about beliefs requires more than the language of cla...
Abstract. We introduce a modular framework for formalizing reasoning with incomplete and inconsistent information. This framework is composed of non-deterministic semantic structur...
Model-based diagnosis is the field of research concerned with the problem of finding faults ms by reasoning with abstract models of the systems. Typically, such models offer a ...
: A persuasion dialog is a dialog in which agents exchange arguments on a subject. In this kind of dialog, the agents disagree about the status of the subject and each one tries to...
A BN2O network is a Bayesian network having the structure of a bipartite graph with all edges directed from one part (the top level) toward the other (the bottom level) and where a...
Many computational problems linked to reasoning under uncertainty can be expressed in terms of computing the marginal(s) of the combination of a collection of (local) valuation fun...
Decision making amounts to define a preorder (usually a complete one) on a set of options. Argumentation has been introduced in decision making analysis. In particular, an argumen...
To explore the Perturb and Combine idea for estimating probability densities, we study mixtures of tree structured Markov networks derived by bagging combined with the Chow and Liu...
Sourour Ammar, Philippe Leray, Boris Defourny, Lou...