
85views more  SIAMDM 2002»
14 years 18 days ago
Finding a 2-Core of a Tree in Linear Time
Let T be an edge-weighted tree. A p-core of T is a set of p mutually disjoint paths in T that minimizes the sum of the distances of all vertices in T from any of the p paths, where...
Biing-Feng Wang
142views Biometrics» more  HICSS 2008»
14 years 1 months ago
K-Trunk and Efficient Algorithms for Finding a K-Trunk on a Tree Network
Given an edge-weighted tree T, a k-trunk is a subtree Tk with k leaves in T which minimizes the sum of the distances of all vertices in T from Tk plus the weight of Tk. In this pa...
Yamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu
106views Algorithms» more  APPROX 2006»
14 years 4 months ago
A Tight Lower Bound for the Steiner Point Removal Problem on Trees
Gupta (SODA'01) considered the Steiner Point Removal (SPR) problem on trees. Given an edge-weighted tree T and a subset S of vertices called terminals in the tree, find an edg...
Hubert T.-H. Chan, Donglin Xia, Goran Konjevod, An...
91views Algorithms» more  FUN 2007»
14 years 7 months ago
High Spies (or How to Win a Programming Contest)
We analyse transports between leaves in an edge-weighted tree. We prove under which conditions there exists a transport matching the weights of a given tree. We use this to compute...
André H. Deutz, Rudy van Vliet, Hendrik Jan...