
14 years 2 months ago
Tracing a single user
Let g(n, r) be the maximum possible cardinality of a family F of subsets of {1, 2, . . . , n} so that given a union of at most r members of F, one can identify at least one of the...
Noga Alon, Vera Asodi
14 years 2 months ago
3-star factors in random d-regular graphs
The small subgraph conditioning method first appeared when Robinson and the second author showed the almost sure hamiltonicity of random d-regular graphs. Since then it has been u...
Hilda Assiyatun, Nicholas C. Wormald
14 years 2 months ago
Toward the classification of Moufang loops of order 64
We show how to obtain all nonassociative Moufang loops of order less than 64 and 4262 nonassociative Moufang loops of order 64 in a unified way. We conjecture that there are no oth...
Petr Vojtechovský
14 years 2 months ago
Symplectic graphs and their automorphisms
The general symplectic graph Sp(2, q) is introduced. It is shown that Sp(2, q) is strongly regular. Its parameters are computed, its chromatic number and group of graph automorphis...
Zhongming Tang, Zhe-xian Wan
14 years 2 months ago
Deza digraphs
As a generalization of Deza graphs, we introduce Deza digraphs and describe the basic theory of these graphs. We also prove the necessary and sufficient conditions when a weakly d...
Kaishun Wang, Yan-Quan Feng
14 years 2 months ago
Poset edge-labellings and left modularity
It is known that a graded lattice of rank n is supersolvable if and only if it has an EL-labelling where the labels along any maximal chain are exactly the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n ...
Peter McNamara, Hugh Thomas
14 years 2 months ago
Homomorphism bounded classes of graphs
A class C of graphs is said to be H-bounded if each graph in the class C admits a homomorphism to H. We give a general necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of boun...
Timothy Marshall, Reza Nasraser, Jaroslav Nesetril