It is known that every constraint-satisfaction problem (CSP) reduces, and is in fact polynomially equivalent, to a digraph coloring problem. By carefully analyzing the constructio...
The problem of the r-identifying code of a cycle Cn has been solved totally when n is even. Recently, S. Gravier et al. give the r-identifying code for the cycle Cn with the minim...
We construct two bijections of the symmetric group Sn onto itself that enable us to show that three new three-variable statistics are equidistributed with classical statistics invo...
Abstract. Classes of graphs with bounded expansion are a generalization of both proper minor closed classes and degree bounded classes. Such classes are based on a new invariant, t...
The distinguishing number D(G) of a graph G is the least integer d such that G has a labeling with d labels that is preserved only by a trivial automorphism. We prove that Cartesi...
Let denote a distance-regular graph with classical parameters (D, b, , ) and D 3. Assume the intersection numbers a1 = 0 and a2 = 0. We show is 3-bounded in the sense of the ar...
Abstract. We give a classification of all equivelar polyhedral maps on the torus. In particular, we classify all triangulations and quadrangulations of the torus admitting a vertex...
We introduce a notion of Dyck paths with coloured ascents. For several ways of colouring, when the set of colours is itself some class of lattice paths, we establish bijections be...