
13 years 9 months ago
Online Social Networks for the Elderly - Acceptable Interfaces for People with Serious Impairments
Today's Web 2.0 is a place, where people express themselves, interact share their lives, socialize. Thousands of elderly people join various social networking sites or use the...
David Zejda
14 years 24 days ago
Practical evaluation of robots for elderly in denmark: an overview
Robots for elderly have drawn a great deal of attention as it is a controversial topic being pushed forward by the fact that there will be a dramatic increase of elderly in most we...
Søren Tranberg Hansen, Hans Jørgen A...
14 years 2 months ago
PeerCare: Supporting Awareness of Rhythms and Routines for Better Aging in Place
Caring for the elderly is becoming a key challenge for society, given the shortage of trained personnel and the increased age of the population. Innovative approaches are needed t...
Yann Riche, Wendy E. Mackay
320views Healthcare» more  TELECARE 2004»
14 years 4 months ago
The Social/Non-Technical Challenges in Developing Technology to Support Elderly Care - "The TeleCARE Experience"
: One of the biggest challenges facing European society in the years ahead is the fact that our population is aging at an alarming rate. If by the year 2020, current forecasts prov...
E. Banahan
14 years 4 months ago
On Some Aspects of Improving Mobile Applications for the Elderly
Improving the quality of life of elderly people is an emerging issue within our information society for both research and development. This paper addresses some issues on the devel...
Andreas Holzinger, Gig Searle, Alexander K. Nische...
14 years 4 months ago
Prior-to-request and request behaviors within elderly day care: Implications for developing service robots for use in multiparty
The rapidly expanding elderly population in Japan and other industrialized countries has posed an enormous challenge to the systems of healthcare that serve elderly citizens. This ...
Keiichi Yamazaki, Michie Kawashima, Yoshinori Kuno...
14 years 4 months ago
Walk 2 Win: towards designing a mobile game for elderly's social engagement
In this paper we describe a user-centered approach to designing and evaluating a socially interactive mobile game for the elderly. The objective of the game is to encourage the el...
Omar Mubin, Suleman Shahid, Abdullah Al Mahmud
14 years 4 months ago
Designing an Interactive Messaging and Reminder Display for Elderly
Despite the wealth of information and communication technology in society today, there appears to be a lack of acceptable information services for the growing elderly population in...
Erwin R. van Veldhoven, Martijn H. Vastenburg, Dav...
14 years 7 months ago
User experience with in-car GPS navigation systems: comparing the young and elderly drivers
This paper outlines the design requirements of a GPS car navigation system for the elderly and the young by proposing a set of new guidelines for designing such systems. Our study...
Abdullah Al Mahmud, Omar Mubin, Suleman Shahid
14 years 9 months ago
Description and future trends of ICT solutions offered towards independent living: the case of LLM project
Due to the increasing elderly population, healthcare systems able to promote independent living are regarded as an emerging market. Despite the significant advances aiming to supp...
Christos A. Frantzidis, Panagiotis D. Bamidis