Serendipity has a long tradition in the history of science as having played a key role in many significant discoveries. Computer scientists, valuing the role of serendipity in dis...
The rise in social computing has facilitated a shift from consumer cultures to cultures of participation. These developments represent unique and fundamental opportunities and cha...
We present two versions of the ToneZone tool, which allows users to explore image tone ranges. The original ToneZone tool is a dual-mouse, dual-cursor tool, while a modified vers...
Celine Latulipe, Michael Youngblood, Ian Bell, Car...
In this paper, we propose an automatic approach, complete with a prototype system, for supporting instant access to maps for local navigation by people with visual impairment. The...
In this paper, we describe the User Centre at the University of Dundee which provides a space for older people and technology to come together for the benefit of new learning oppo...
Paula Forbes, Lorna Gibson, Vicki L. Hanson, Peter...
This paper presents a unique approach to undergraduate teaching in which accessibility topics are completely integrated throughout the curriculum, treating accessibility not as a ...
Deaf and hard of hearing students must juggle their visual attention in current classroom settings. Managing many visual sources of information (instructor, interpreter or caption...
Anna Carpenter Cavender, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Richar...
Providing blind and visually impaired people with the descriptions of key visual elements can greatly improve the accessibility of video, film and television. This project present...