We present an implicit discourse relation classifier in the Penn Discourse Treebank (PDTB). Our classifier considers the context of the two arguments, word pair information, as we...
There have been increasing needs for task specific rankings in web search such as rankings for specific query segments like long queries, time-sensitive queries, navigational quer...
Anlei Dong, Yi Chang, Shihao Ji, Ciya Liao, Xin Li...
Applying statistical parsers developed for English to languages with freer wordorder has turned out to be harder than expected. This paper investigates the adequacy of different s...
We describe a process for automatically detecting decision-making sub-dialogues in multi-party, human-human meetings in real-time. Our basic approach to decision detection involve...
Matthew Frampton, Jia Huang, Trung H. Bui, Stanley...
We present a machine translation framework that can incorporate arbitrary features of both input and output sentences. The core of the approach is a novel decoder based on lattice...
We present a scalable joint language model designed to utilize fine-grain syntactic tags. We discuss challenges such a design faces and describe our solutions that scale well to l...
This paper employs morphological structures and relations between sentence segments for opinion analysis on words and sentences. Chinese words are classified into eight morphologi...
The use of lexical semantic knowledge in information retrieval has been a field of active study for a long time. Collaborative knowledge bases like Wikipedia and Wiktionary, which...
Combining information extraction systems yields significantly higher quality resources than each system in isolation. In this paper, we generalize such a mixing of sources and fea...