
118views more  ENDM 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
On the Vehicle Routing Problem with lower bound capacities
In this paper we show and discuss a family of inequalities for solving a variant of the classical vehicle routing problem where also a lower bound is considered. The inequalities ...
Luís Gouveia, Juan José Salazar Gonz...
112views more  ENDM 2010»
14 years 15 days ago
On the complexity of the Eulerian closed walk with precedence path constraints problem
The Eulerian closed walk problem in a digraph is a well-known polynomial-time solvable problem. In this paper, we show that if we impose the feasible solutions to fulfill some pre...
Hervé Kerivin, Mathieu Lacroix, Ali Ridha M...
115views more  ENDM 2010»
14 years 15 days ago
On the knapsack closure of 0-1 Integer Linear Programs
Many inequalities for Mixed-Integer Linear Programs (MILPs) or pure Integer Linear Programs (ILPs) are derived from the Gomory corner relaxation, where all the nonbinding constrai...
Matteo Fischetti, Andrea Lodi
167views more  ENDM 2010»
14 years 15 days ago
Column Generation based Primal Heuristics
In the past decade, significant progress has been achieved in developing generic primal heuristics that made their way into commercial mixed integer programming (MIP) solver. Exte...
C. Joncour, S. Michel, R. Sadykov, D. Sverdlov, Fr...
218views more  ENDM 2010»
14 years 15 days ago
Stochastic Shortest Path Problem with Delay Excess Penalty
Stefanie Kosuch, Abdel Lisser
73views more  ENDM 2010»
14 years 15 days ago
Recourse problem of the 2-stage robust location transportation problem
In this paper, we are interested in the recourse problem of the 2-stage robust location transportation problem. We propose a solution process using a mixed-integer formulation wit...
Virginie Gabrel, Cécile Murat, Nabila Remli...
67views more  ENDM 2010»
14 years 15 days ago
An exact method for the bi-objective one-machine problem with maximum lateness and unit family setup cost objectives
This paper deals with an NP-hard bi-objective one-machine problem with ready times involving maximum lateness and unit family setup cost objectives. Considering separately both ob...
Christian Artigues, Nicolas Jozefowiez, Mohamed Al...
91views more  ENDM 2010»
14 years 15 days ago
Climbing discrepancy search for flowshop and jobshop scheduling with time lags
This paper addresses the jobshop and the flowshop scheduling problems with minimum and maximum time lags. To solve this kind of problems, we propose adaptations of Climbing Discre...
Wafa Karoui, Marie-José Huguet, Pierre Lope...
103views more  ENDM 2010»
14 years 15 days ago
Structural Analysis for Differential-Algebraic Systems: Complexity, Formulation and Facets
In this paper we consider the structural analysis problem for differential-algebraic systems with conditional equations. This consists, given a conditional differential algebraic ...
Mathieu Lacroix, Ali Ridha Mahjoub, Sébasti...